Thursday, October 25, 2012

Buy Your Tickets Now!

The Boy Who Fell From the Sky: Dance Performance
Sunday November 04, 2012  8pm

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The Boy Who Fell From the Sky


Peranda Mitote

$20 Adv. $25 Dr. - 8pm

Sunday, NOV
The Boy Who Fell From The Sky
….a gift from above, a sentiment for creation….
 The Boy Who Fell From The Sky is a collection of small dances set in a large performance event, mitote. Each dance follows the themes of “struggle, rebirth, and creation”—setting a certain tone of “hope and possibly” for the night of dancing. The inspiration for this concert comes from the Iroquois creation myth, of how the earth came into being: “A sky woman falls down, into a world made of water and sky, and upon a turtle’s back she rubs earth and clay, and there the land, the earth was made”. Yet, in the fashion of Mitote, Cuauahtemoc Peranda decided to change the story, and make the one who falls from the sky, not a woman, not a man, but a boy—full of innocence, magic, and wonder. In following his Aztec name, Cuauhtemoc, meaning “Descending Eagle & The Messenger of The Gods to The People”, he is creating a world of imagination and necessary messages of self-creation and community renewal. And, with works from guest artists Jochelle Pereña, Kristin Torok, and Elizabeth Morales, this performance event, mitote, creates a mythic space for inspiring creation in all those who are present. A dynamic night of contemporary dance, The Boy Who Fell From The Sky is not a performance to be missed!

The Boy Who Fell From the Sky!

Monday, October 15, 2012



Come Drink The Mitote!!!

This Saturday, the 20th of October, at 8pm, there will be a synthesis of a party, art symposium, and fundraiser, for Cuauhtemoc Peranda Mitote's new dance concert: "The Boy Who Fell From the Sky".

Let this be called, a MITOTE, of grand fabulocity.

There will be Dance, Voguing, Artwork, Dance-Film, Poetry, Song, and a lot of laughs and dancing. Please come and meet each other, share experiences and knowledge, and donate some funds to go to the upcoming dance concert!!!

This will be a great party and event!
A moment, a mitote, you do not want to miss!

Much Love!

Prince Devin Lauren/Cuauhtemoc Peranda

208A Sierra Vista Ave. Mountain View, CA

If lost, contact Temo at 925-323-0326

Please Donate, No Gift is Too Big, Small, or Fabulous!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012



1) Moving—kinesthesia—pure dance
2) Men
3) Choreography
4) Adventures & Conversation
5) Food
6) Sex
7) Observation & Contemplation
8) Sub-Cultures
9) Dance & Performance
10) Art
11) Teaching
12) Anthropology
13) Chemistry

Tuesday, October 9, 2012



Cuauhtemoc Peranda Mitote Presents:

The Boy Who Fell From The Sky

….a gift from above, a sentiment for creation….

The Boy Who Fell From The Sky is a collection of small dances set in a large performance event, mitote. Each dance follows the themes of “struggle, rebirth, and creation”—setting a certain tone of “hope and possibility ” for the night of dancing. The inspiration for this concert comes from the Iroquois creation myth, of how the earth came into being: “A sky woman falls down, into a world made of water and sky, and upon a turtle’s back she rubs earth and clay, and there the land, the earth was made”. Yet, in the fashion of Mitote, Cuauahtemoc Peranda decided to change the story, and make the one who falls from the sky, not a woman, not a man, but a boy—full of innocence, magic, and wonder. In following his Aztec name, Cuauhtemoc, meaning “Descending Eagle & The Messenger of The Gods to The People”, he is creating a world of imagination and necessary messages of self-creation and community renewal. And, with works from guest artists Jochelle Pereña, Kristin Torok, and Elizabeth Morales, this performance event, mitote, creates a mythic space for inspiring creation in all those who are present. A dynamic night of contemporary dance, The Boy Who Fell From The Sky is not a performance to be missed!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Why does it seem to me, that for a man to have emotional maturity, often means having a lack of emotional sensitivity, involvement, and attachment…….. This seems at odds for me, because, a mature and masterful artist, has exquisite emotional expertise, is finely sensitive, and is deeply involved and attached to all that he does, touches, and produces.  

I bring this up because a lot of “mature” gay guys, not necessarily in age, but in status and accomplishment, would be happy just fucking the next hot guy after the next, and never having to enter a deep emotional place. Many would just rather “have fun” and fuck around a lot, rather than create an emotional connection. Tasting every cunt and ass they can, experiencing life, and living in the luxury of the flesh.

This is quite unattractive to me, as I see maturity in a person being able to become a full artist—embodying the logic and chaos of life. Becoming almost an elemental of drama and peace—embodying love. This is being in their fierceness, this is sexiness.

But often, I feel, “suck it up”, and “get over it”, is a mantra for men. Possibly why most gay guys want to avoid emotion. “fuck hoes, make money” comes to mind…or perhaps, “fuck holes, make money”.

But doesn’t lead to an unfulfilled life? Does this lead to good relationships? No…
Then, those in relationships, must be fools in love, or the few emotionally mature ones out there….. or worse, the emotionally unattached, who see a relationship as something that betters them, and is following order and commands.

I do not have a solution for this….
This is where I am stuck…
How can we have relationships with men, when they are so unable to have relationship...
Perhaps we make better relationships with ourselves.
Perhaps we work with our family, with our blood, those relationships which are already established and mature.
Until, one comes along, and is open and ready to fly.
He may never come.
So then what?
Live a great life…
…this may not be the life we hoped for, but as long as we are here, we might as well dance…