Tuesday, December 23, 2014
the goal of performance is to make accessible......
"The long-term goal both of the small and the large-scale performance is to restructure people’s social identities by making accessible to them a common medium of communication—funk music and dance—that has been largely inaccessible to white culture and has consequently exacerbated the xenophobic fear, hostility, and incomprehension that generally characterize the reaction of whites to black popular culture in society. All aspects of that culture, including its speech patterns, conventions of social interaction, its music, and its dance have become the target of the last outpost of explicitly and socially legitimated racism, I believe, because these are the last artifact of black culture that are identifiably black, that is, have not been either appropriated or assimilated into white culture (usually through the back door: witness Elvis’s appropriation of Chuck Berry, the Rolling Stones’ appropriation of Don Kovay, Bo Derek’s appropriation of cornrows, Al Jolson’s and Fred Astaire’s appropriations of minstrelsy, Peggy Lee’s appropriation of Ella Fitzgerald, etc.; the list is endless). I describe this reaction as racist, but in fact it is more generally xenophobic, because it is as much a response to anxiety and fear to perceived cultural differences that can be alleviated only by denying or appropriating them as it is a response of hostility or contempt to perceived racist stereotypes."
--Adrian Piper
Sunday, December 7, 2014
quality of love
I have been lost in a world of abstraction and lust, by this I mean stuck in an anxious state focused on what could have been and what could be, built on a foundation of a romanticized past.
I admire Logan, because he does, so easily, what is most difficult for me: "I love logan, because he is so present" -- Desun was so keen with his agreeable observation-admiration of this quality I seemingly can never grasp.
To be present. Grateful for all I have, and adequately interact with the world around me here and now. I wish this most for me... I will work harder to achieve this masterful quality of love.
fusion vs decolonial dance
.....they call my work "fusion dance"--but I am not a white person. I do not take exotic flavors and add and mix as I please with my appropriation privilege. I was born a multicultural human, I am a glittering diversity of an individual... my work is decolonial dance-- don't get it twisted #mitote
Monday, December 1, 2014
Holly Herndon: Concert: BODYSOUND @ Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Herndon: Concert
Friday, December 5, 2014 @ 7 pm
Venue: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Herndon’s compositions map a sonic territory that hovers between bodily experience
and the virtual realm of computer technology. As part of the series Performance
at the Guggenheim: Blood Makes Noise, she presents two special evening
concerts in the museum’s Tower Gallery Level 5. Performing in collaboration
with guest dancers and vocalists, the concerts highlight musical works written
for a multichannel ambisonic speaker system, creating a uniquely immersive
audience experience.
admission tickets ($25, $20 members) go on sale October 31. Please note that
due to space restrictions, ticket availability is extremely limited.
the case of a sold out event, standby numbers are available on a first-come,
first-served basis beginning 30 minutes before the start of the performance.
Each person is given one number (good for one ticket), and may hold a number
for one other person. After ticket-holders have been seated, numbers will be
called in order and standby tickets will be sold as space allows. Please
contact 212 423 3587 for more information.
Body Sound was composed by Herndon, in
collaboration with choreographer and dancer Cuauhtemoc Peranda, and performed
at Stanford University CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and
Peranda’s body acts like a voice, guiding the listener
through this complex yet visceral piece. Herndon restructured the sounds of the
dancer’s body to make an arrangement that is simultaneously rhythmic, fragmented,
and incredibly physical. In real time, she spatialized the sound-body using
ambisonics in a field of 8 speakers, while Peranda performed the original
choreography, creating an uncanny duet of physical and virtual bodies. Body
Sound is all about the dancer making contact with the ground; a dragged
heels squeaks, his rolling torso sends tumbling shockwaves through the
speakers, and each stomp of a foot is a blast of sub-bass. Herndon builds on
this source material, taking time to bend the sounds into an abstract
sculptural form, only to pause again and reveal the dancer’s sonorous breath.
A great sense of optimism resonates through Body Sound.
This is the sound of a living, breathing body in space, and a powerfully
expressive document of experimental sound art.
Marina Abramovic. An artist’s life Manifesto

1. An artist’s conduct in his life:
– An artist should not lie to himself or others
– An artist should not steal ideas from other artists
– An artist should not compromise for themselves or in regards to the art market
– An artist should not kill other human beings
– An artist should not make themselves into an idol
– An artist should not make themselves into an idol
– An artist should not make themselves into an idol
2. An artist’s relation to his love life:
– An artist should avoid falling in love with another artist
– An artist should avoid falling in love with another artist
– An artist should avoid falling in love with another artist
3. An artist’s relation to the erotic:
– An artist should develop an erotic point of view on the world
– An artist should be erotic
– An artist should be erotic
– An artist should be erotic
4. An artist’s relation to suffering:
– An artist should suffer
– From the suffering comes the best work
– Suffering brings transformation
– Through the suffering an artist transcends their spirit
– Through the suffering an artist transcends their spirit
– Through the suffering an artist transcends their spirit
5. An artist’s relation to depression:
– An artist should not be depressed
– Depression is a disease and should be cured
– Depression is not productive for an artist
– Depression is not productive for an artist
– Depression is not productive for an artist
6. An artist’s relation to suicide:
– Suicide is a crime against life
– An artist should not commit suicide
– An artist should not commit suicide
– An artist should not commit suicide
7. An artist’s relation to inspiration:
– An artist should look deep inside themselves for inspiration
– The deeper they look inside themselves, the more universal they become
– The artist is universe
– The artist is universe
– The artist is universe
8. An artist’s relation to self-control:
– The artist should not have self-c ontrol about his life
– The artist should have total self-control about his work
– The artist should not have self-control about his life
– The artist should have total self-control about his work
9. An artist’s relation with transparency:
– The artist should give and receive at the same time
– Transparency means receptive
– Transparency means to give
– Transparency means to receive
– Transparency means receptive
– Transparency means to give
– Transparency means to receive
– Transparency means receptive
– Transparency means to give
– Transparency means to receive
10. An artist’s relation to symbols:
– An artist creates his own symbols
– Symbols are an artist’s language
– The language must then be translated
– Sometimes it is difficult to find the key
– Sometimes it is difficult to find the key
– Sometimes it is difficult to find the key
11. An artist’s relation to silence:
– An artist has to understand silence
– An artist has to create a space for silence to enter his work
– Silence is like an island in the middle of a turbulent ocean
– Silence is like an island in the middle of a turbulent ocean
– Silence is like an island in the middle of a turbulent ocean
12. An artist’s relation to solitude:
– An artist must make time for the long periods of solitude
– Solitude is extremely important
– Away from home
– Away from the studio
– Away from family
– Away from friends
– An artist should stay for long periods of time at waterfalls
– An artist should stay for long periods of time at exploding volcanoes
– An artist should stay for long periods of time looking at the fast running rivers
– An artist should stay for long periods of time looking at the horizon where the ocean and sky meet
– An artist should stay for long periods of time looking at the stars in the night sky
13. An artist’s conduct in relation to work:
– An artist should avoid going to the studio every day
– An artist should not treat his work schedule as a bank employee does
– An artist should explore life and work only when an idea comes to him in a dream or during the day as a vision that arises as a surprise
– An artist should not repeat himself
– An artist should not overproduce
– An artist should avoid his own art pollution
– An artist should avoid his own art pollution
– An artist should avoid his own art pollution
14. An artist’s possessions:
– Buddhist monks advise that it is best to have nine possessions in their life:
1 robe for the summer
1 robe for the winter
1 pair of shoes
1 begging bowl for food
1 mosquito net
1 prayer book
1 umbrella
1 mat to sleep on
1 pair of glasses if needed
– An artist should decide for himself the minimum personal possessions they should have
– An artist should have more and more of less and less
– An artist should have more and more of less and less
– An artist should have more and more of less and less
15. A list of an artist’s friends:
– An artist should have friends that lift their spirits
– An artist should have friends that lift their spirits
– An artist should have friends that lift their spirits
16. A list of an artist’s enemies:
– Enemies are very important
– The Dalai Lama has said that it is easy to have compassion with friends but much more difficult to have compassion with enemies
– An artist has to learn to forgive
– An artist has to learn to forgive
– An artist has to learn to forgive
17. Different death scenarios:
– An artist has to be aware of his own mortality
– For an artist, it is not only important how he lives his life but also how he dies
– An artist should look at the symbols of his work for the signs of different death scenarios
– An artist should die consciously without fear
– An artist should die consciously without fear
– An artist should die consciously without fear
18. Different funeral scenarios:
– An artist should give instructions before the funeral so that everything is done the way he wants it
– The funeral is the artist’s last art piece before leaving
– The funeral is the artist’s last art piece before leaving
– The funeral is the artist’s last art piece before leaving
#Okanda 2
I love you so much
My left shoulder blade wants to dig deep into your nexus
Your chest
Will you put your arms around me
Will you hold me tight
Laying still in time slowed for savoring soup
My left shoulder blade wants to dig deep into your nexus
Your chest
Will you put your arms around me
Will you hold me tight
Laying still in time slowed for savoring soup
May I close my eyes
Will you sing to me
Will you tell me what to do next as we arise
Will you help me see through convolution
Will you sing to me
Will you tell me what to do next as we arise
Will you help me see through convolution
You help me so much
Your warmth and your touch
You are always smiling at me
Giving me a side eye
And evading my advances
Your warmth and your touch
You are always smiling at me
Giving me a side eye
And evading my advances
You dive into me, a ball of care
And I don't let go
I love you
I do not know what to do next
I do not have the answers
I only know how to slow down with you
You dive into me, a ball of care
And I don't let go
I love you
I do not know what to do next
I do not have the answers
I only know how to slow down with you
And when you leave
And life speeds up
I do not know where I am
And I cannot say when I am
I only know
I miss you
And life speeds up
I do not know where I am
And I cannot say when I am
I only know
I miss you
Monday, November 24, 2014
The Artist and the Artisans
It s my job to me in love with my work (artwork, artifacts, process fabrication manifestations).
It is your job to love me, to respect my process, and to support me the best you can.
To expect you to love my work as much as I do is wrong and impossible.
To expect me to not be devoted to my work with the full force of divine eternal love, would never make sense--and you would never want to support someone who is half-assed involved with his work.
If we expect a full moon, I know we both will make it happen.
Shine on with the glitter of the dew of the night.
Let art illuminate the sparkles within us until we are galaxies and stars, no less.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
My Move Tot Oakland
I am Moving to Oakland!!!
Moving my Art Practice out there! And working as a Professional Dance Teaching Artist!
And, if you can support my move in a little way, I would really be grateful to you!
Even 20 bucks will help! That is gas and food as I make this transition. T
Thank you so much!
Moving my Art Practice out there! And working as a Professional Dance Teaching Artist!
And, if you can support my move in a little way, I would really be grateful to you!
Even 20 bucks will help! That is gas and food as I make this transition. T
Thank you so much!
Friday, October 3, 2014
There are the hipsters
high on marijuana and poppers
drunk on tequila, vodka, rum, triple sec, and gin
a walking adios mudafukka
bye felicia
i think i will call you beautiful points of lust
with songs of ke$ha
and post-modernist-structuralist theory gracing lips and hips
covered in the joteria glitter of the tainted son
glitter sirens
lick the sun: taste the rainbow
we can be near for warmth, burned in attempting control or concerning understand
glitter sirens
i love you
high on marijuana and poppers
drunk on tequila, vodka, rum, triple sec, and gin
a walking adios mudafukka
bye felicia
i think i will call you beautiful points of lust
with songs of ke$ha
and post-modernist-structuralist theory gracing lips and hips
covered in the joteria glitter of the tainted son
glitter sirens
lick the sun: taste the rainbow
we can be near for warmth, burned in attempting control or concerning understand
glitter sirens
i love you
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
I refuse
I refuse to neglect my creativity.
I refuse to miss out on my art any longer.
I refuse to abuse my intellectualism with other people's needs, wants, and demands.
I refuse to be cruel to my body and its expression any longer.
I refuse to miss out on my art any longer.
I refuse to abuse my intellectualism with other people's needs, wants, and demands.
I refuse to be cruel to my body and its expression any longer.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Beautiful brown boys with beautiful bodies, oh how I wish to hang out with you, kiss you on the cheek, and call you my boo. But do you have a beautiful mind? Do you have a beautiful heart? Past chronographs chart stories of inequalities, shade, and rude remarks or engagements. I hope that is not future time, future space is held too precious. As you walk on, I look and imagine what has been, and what could have been, which point only to my present.
a life of creativity
I do not live a life of fame and fashion.
I live a life of creativity.
It is a life not about show, sexy, or glamour.
It is a life about sexiness, lust, loss, need, celebration and performance.
I wonder what is next to create, what is next to navigate, and what is next to fight, in order to get what I want...
I want so much, for your an me, our equality.....
And, I know, dance will bring it in providence.
I live a life of creativity.
It is a life not about show, sexy, or glamour.
It is a life about sexiness, lust, loss, need, celebration and performance.
I wonder what is next to create, what is next to navigate, and what is next to fight, in order to get what I want...
I want so much, for your an me, our equality.....
And, I know, dance will bring it in providence.
help i'm tired
When we are tired, remember your glitter is endless.
You can always call your deep sparkle.
You can do more than you think, because you are more than you're aware of...
Finding yourself is difficult and a burden, because your true self is so much more grand than you could possibly conceive right now.
But whatever the task, no matter how much focus or energy you have, can be done, can be completed--because you are great! You have the power to transform.
Moreover, There is glitter in this world. And, it is there to help you when you are lost, when you need the help. Sparkle and glitter with it all...
-- a message from the glitter shaman
You can always call your deep sparkle.
You can do more than you think, because you are more than you're aware of...
Finding yourself is difficult and a burden, because your true self is so much more grand than you could possibly conceive right now.
But whatever the task, no matter how much focus or energy you have, can be done, can be completed--because you are great! You have the power to transform.
Moreover, There is glitter in this world. And, it is there to help you when you are lost, when you need the help. Sparkle and glitter with it all...
-- a message from the glitter shaman
Gathering Friends
How to we begin to engage with those who are self-destructive?
Trust in yourself. Show them compassion. Don't listen to their poison, take it personally, or let it into your soul or psyche. See them as lost, and gently guide them to their own wealth of self-creativity.
Sometimes, you will get nothing back but the knowledge & feeling of your good deed.
But, wealth does not come from destruction.
Wealth comes from work and creation.
With more creative people, we build wealth in the world, from which we all benefit.
Trust in yourself. Show them compassion. Don't listen to their poison, take it personally, or let it into your soul or psyche. See them as lost, and gently guide them to their own wealth of self-creativity.
Sometimes, you will get nothing back but the knowledge & feeling of your good deed.
But, wealth does not come from destruction.
Wealth comes from work and creation.
With more creative people, we build wealth in the world, from which we all benefit.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
If you say yes to something,
you are saying no to something else.
We cannot do all of the things in life all of the time,
There is choice,
there is energy,
everything else is time and space.
How will you change yourself,
how will you change the world,
what choices will you make today,
how will you expend your energy?
how will you work?
what will you work on?
when you say yest to television, you are saying no to (doing the dishes, gym, playing with kids, showering, laundry, etc)
I think television is such a waste of time... It is not relaxing, resting, or soothing--it is escapism--it is an active activity of the mind to "numb, escape, resist". True rest is constructive rejuvenating repair.
Life is constant struggle of labor and work.
But we choose our work, and we choose our results.
But what of that which we cannot change?
We become stronger, we deal, we work with it, we adapt, we cope, and we build upon, out of the chaos we create beauty, brilliance, strength, power, joy.
Say yes to joy, say yes to rest, say yest to work.
Say no to escapism, fear, shame.
you are saying no to something else.
We cannot do all of the things in life all of the time,
There is choice,
there is energy,
everything else is time and space.
How will you change yourself,
how will you change the world,
what choices will you make today,
how will you expend your energy?
how will you work?
what will you work on?
when you say yest to television, you are saying no to (doing the dishes, gym, playing with kids, showering, laundry, etc)
I think television is such a waste of time... It is not relaxing, resting, or soothing--it is escapism--it is an active activity of the mind to "numb, escape, resist". True rest is constructive rejuvenating repair.
Life is constant struggle of labor and work.
But we choose our work, and we choose our results.
But what of that which we cannot change?
We become stronger, we deal, we work with it, we adapt, we cope, and we build upon, out of the chaos we create beauty, brilliance, strength, power, joy.
Say yes to joy, say yes to rest, say yest to work.
Say no to escapism, fear, shame.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
what is the role of the artist in society ?
To me, art is creating that which we seek to understand.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
go in peace
Goodbye Angel.
It is now time that I leave you to your life, and I continue with my own.
No more contact between us.
The tie severed, deleted.....
I will always love you. I told you so, and it is true.
And, with that love, and with my own love to myself, I cut the connection, I break apart from the gravity.
I will miss you, but I know you are safe, and I am safer.
You said you will be there for me when I need you... and yet, you were not there for me, you were not there for me when I needed you as a friend. Too many times, you abused my trust, and neglected my devotion to our friendship: a friendship made weak by your inability to put energy and effort into it--your inability to love in a good way.
I will always love you.
But, I am he who walks away to descend.
As the Lion I am, the Leo, so well called out by your breeze, I leave, I wonder the lands... enchanting, enchanted fabulous fierce lion of light, glitter, and graceful clairvoyance.
If you find me, what for?
If you find me, why?
If you find me, what then?
If you find me, of course I still love you...
If you find me, will then you start to be a good friend, and prioritize our friendship in your life?
If you don't find me, I will still love you, and I will still be that artist in your life past, and you the air of a memory under a moon.
You once said I should never talk to you again. You said it was because you were a bitch, a bad person. Well, I don't believe in bad people, I believe in bad choices. You choose to enact the behavior of a bitch, you choose to perform and create yourself into a bad person. I know you are not this, but I cannot wait for you to figure out how to be lovely again... I cannot...
I hope you go, live in peace....
with love,
Friday, August 22, 2014
genuine connection
I guess
If I want a genuine connection
I dance in nature
and those who watch me
witness my dance
and then wish to discuss my dance, and my arthood/artistry --you know, really talk to me... they are my friends
but that genuine connection, it is in the dance, it starts in the movement poetry i hear in the world and produce in my body
yeah, then I can share that with others, then we can share a genuine connection
then I think
what about other moments of connection... yeah they are whole, but a bit lackluster
they are sparks
true perfect connection of genuine compassion --- that is created through life artistry
it just so happens, my art is dance.....
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
For me, the life of the dancer is: continuous quickening. It is a divine dissatisfaction for more, a unrest, a movement to achieve, a conquering of endeavors, ideas, obstacles. The meaning of a dancer's life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, perform with excellence, to go up, to achieve, to conquer beauty and brilliance.
-Cuauthemoc Mitote, 08-2014
Moving Forward with Mr Universe
For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.
Hunger is a Quickening, a divine dissatisfaction for more, a movement to achieve, a conquering of endeavors, ideas, obstacles.
Bodybuilding is much like any other sport. To be successful, you must dedicate yourself 100% to your training, diet and mental approach.
The Dancer is an Athlete, an athlete of God. His purpose is not to compete against humans, but to fight against the laws of nature, and preform in the world of ideas and expressions.
The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.
Poetics of the self define our outstanding virtuoso individuality.
-Cuauhtemoc Mitote 2014
Rules Of Mitote
Rules of Mitote
- No Shame. No Fear.
- Get your Shit together.
- Be the Fierceness.
- Consider Everything an Experiment.
- What are you doing? What else can you do?
- There is no Win or Fail—There is only Make.
- The only rule is work.
- Do not create & analyze at the same time.
- Find Happiness in everything.
- Allow for Improvisation & Indeterminacy, X-Quantities.
- Money is for saving.
- Dance is the movement of people & things in time & space.
- Choreography is the poetics of dance.
- Focus on the joys of your processes.
Mitote Choreographics, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Dancers Know that Perfection is Inconsistent
Love is a practice, not a destination, not a destiny.
Dance is a practice, not a destination, not a destiny.
Life is a practice, not a destination, not a destiny.
Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.
Destinies are milestones, therefore products of a practice, of a journey. Destines are achievements, Results, Law driven products of nature.
Destinations are places, in a journey. There are places in love, there are places in life, but love is not a place, and life is not a place.
One day you achieve perfection, but that perfection is locked in space and time. To achieve it again, you must act in a different way, no 2 perfections are the same. Perfection is a practice of invitation, of indetermantly inviting moments of perfections to be present.
Dance is a practice, not a destination, not a destiny.
Life is a practice, not a destination, not a destiny.
Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.
Destinies are milestones, therefore products of a practice, of a journey. Destines are achievements, Results, Law driven products of nature.
Destinations are places, in a journey. There are places in love, there are places in life, but love is not a place, and life is not a place.
One day you achieve perfection, but that perfection is locked in space and time. To achieve it again, you must act in a different way, no 2 perfections are the same. Perfection is a practice of invitation, of indetermantly inviting moments of perfections to be present.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Ethical Sex Guidelines
sex—a short guideline in 2014
Both partners (or more partners) must come to having sex of their own free
will, without pressure, alcohol, or domination from a form of power of
currency. It must be from the sexual goodness, lust, desire, thirst, needs,
love, excitement all their own.
2. Communication. All persons need to
communicate that the sexual encounter is happening, taking place, and it is of
their own choice and desire, from their own freedom. Neglect is not an option. The
sexual experience needs to be open and understood between the sexual partners,
their significant others, and the sexual others. All partners need to seek “premiso”
(permission, approval, check-in) first with their sexual-significant other. This
avoids drama and ill will poisoning the sex.
3. Self-Realness. All persons in
sexual act need to communicate any restrictions, fears, standards, and health.
This means disclosing what you do not want to do, what you do want to do, what
is okay, what is not okay, and what, if any, STI one may or does have. Disclosing
infection status is very important for trust, and allows all players to make their
own choices.
4. Risk Reduction & Safety. All
sex should NOT be done with recklessness. All sex has a certain amount of risk
medically, emotionally, socially, physically, mentally, economically, and spiritually.
Using sexual protective tools (condoms, IUD, PrEP etc) is important and should
always be used. However, to reduce risk, if protective tools are not used, that
choice must be made mutually and of truth, trust, understanding, and with foresight
of consequences.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
so I dance
I feel empty, so I dance to fill the void.
I am scared, so I dance to prepare for war.
I feel sexy, so I dance to bring on the kisses.
I am confused, so I dance to channel clarity.
I am scared, so I dance to prepare for war.
I feel sexy, so I dance to bring on the kisses.
I am confused, so I dance to channel clarity.
art is that of living
“I like living, breathing better than working...my art is that of living. Each second, each breath is a work which is inscribed nowhere, which is neither visual nor cerebral, it's a sort of constant euphoria.”
― Marcel Duchamp
The Body is a Catalytic Machine for Experimentation.
It must be used, explored, and researched.
We are only now beginning to understand its power to create medicines, social change, art, expression, emotions, health, earth, law, politics, and life.
I am an experiential artist, in the process of researching the flesh bound body. An explorer of corporeal topography.
It must be used, explored, and researched.
We are only now beginning to understand its power to create medicines, social change, art, expression, emotions, health, earth, law, politics, and life.
I am an experiential artist, in the process of researching the flesh bound body. An explorer of corporeal topography.
"Fight for every inch with everything you have. Turn your rage, sadness, and loneliness into blood, sweat, and tears. Get the result. That's all that matters. To let your progress stagnate out of laziness to betray yourself.
I now feel this in my bones, and I will never betray myself with my laziness again."
--Patrick Hart
I now feel this in my bones, and I will never betray myself with my laziness again."
--Patrick Hart
I am still in love with a memory.
I am in love with an illusion of the past.
Its destruction is impossible, it is a part of me.
I mourn its death, it miss its comfort and cuddles.
To let go, to lose it, is to find peace.
To hold it tightly,
is to obsess
be addicted to a thing already gone--wasting myself away on nothing...
what is this loss I feel?
what is this misery?
I am in love with an illusion of the past.
Its destruction is impossible, it is a part of me.
I mourn its death, it miss its comfort and cuddles.
To let go, to lose it, is to find peace.
To hold it tightly,
is to obsess
be addicted to a thing already gone--wasting myself away on nothing...
what is this loss I feel?
what is this misery?
Ten Rules
Rule 1: Find a place you trust and then try trusting it for a while.
Rule 2: General Duties of a Learner: Pull everything out of your leaders, and pull everything out of your peers.
Rule 3: General Duties of a Leader: Pull everything out of your learners.
Rule 4: Consider Everything an Experiment.
Rule 5: Be Self-Disciplined. This means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them. To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self-disciplined is to follow in a better way.
Rule 6: Nothing is a Mistake. There is no win and no fail. There is only make!
Rule 7: THE ONLY RULE IS WORK. If you work it will lead to something. It's the people who do all of the work all the time who eventually catch on to things.
Rule 8: Don't try to create and analyze at the same time. They are different processes.
Rule 9: Be Happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself: it's lighter than you think. Find the joy in everything, pull the joy out of everything.
Rule 10: "we're breaking all of the rules. Even our own rules. And how do we do that? By leaving plenty of room for X-quantities" --John Cage
always be around. come or go to everything. always go to classes. read anything you can get your hands on. look at movie carefully, often. save everything--it might come in handy later.
Rule 2: General Duties of a Learner: Pull everything out of your leaders, and pull everything out of your peers.
Rule 3: General Duties of a Leader: Pull everything out of your learners.
Rule 4: Consider Everything an Experiment.
Rule 5: Be Self-Disciplined. This means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them. To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self-disciplined is to follow in a better way.
Rule 6: Nothing is a Mistake. There is no win and no fail. There is only make!
Rule 7: THE ONLY RULE IS WORK. If you work it will lead to something. It's the people who do all of the work all the time who eventually catch on to things.
Rule 8: Don't try to create and analyze at the same time. They are different processes.
Rule 9: Be Happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself: it's lighter than you think. Find the joy in everything, pull the joy out of everything.
Rule 10: "we're breaking all of the rules. Even our own rules. And how do we do that? By leaving plenty of room for X-quantities" --John Cage
always be around. come or go to everything. always go to classes. read anything you can get your hands on. look at movie carefully, often. save everything--it might come in handy later.
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