I Love You
This dance was for a man I loved very dear.
Between us, there was an abusive use of emotions, time, situation, and
love….but there was always love and appreciation. I have always wanted
to make a love dance, since there are so many love songs–a love dance, I
feel, is somewhat rare. Most dances are about love, or loss, but an
actual love dance…a statement of “I Love You,” through dance, this was
something I needed to make. From the memories of this man, the love, the
hate, the crying the escape, the twist and final release of bounds this
work comes forth. The Conch Shell being the calling voice, the scarf
being the bind to be released, only once he who is in love has danced.
This dance was made of movements deep between the two lovers… ended the
dance, the echo lingers in the witness....