Tuesday, November 6, 2012


You know what I want to do? 

I want to do an anthropological study of the transformation of a gay man… and his life cycles. Too, I also want to do one for a gay woman… 

I know there are set stages, but I do not think they are tried to be defined.

Why? Why must one define them? For direction and guidance and deviance…just as a marker, or pattern of what does exist, so that one can refer to….

There is birth. Realization of the rainbow. Non-gay/innocence. Gay feelings. The first gay kiss. Coming out. Gay sex. More coming out. Work force. Categorization of self into archetypes, reforming and solidifying identity. Fall into which sub-culture of gay lifehood. Leadership in said subculture. perpetuation of certain gay life-style. Transition into new life and gay culture. Family or no “traditional family”. Bathhouses. Children. Guidance of young gays, queer elder-hood. Affect of AIDS in Gay Lifecycle and society. Gay families and Houses. Biological familiar relationship and responsibility as gay family member. Role as citizen and political power. Death, and passing on queer knowledge.
…Then too… I want to look at the development  with ages… looking at childhood development and adult development, and how the young adulthood (ages 21-35) affect life in middle age (35-55) to “senior” hood (55-75) (with retirement at ~64) to golden and twilight years (75-95+)…

I want to know what occurs, and what trending there is. I do not think that the old heterosexual model works… not even for heterosexuals…

But there is not a transition for “full gay adulthood”. There is no “warrior Ceremony” like I had in my community? When, now, does one become a full functioning adult gay male…because “coming out usually occurs between the ages of 13-25” …is there a childhood development period later in life…. And what is important here.. what work have House done for these “children”…. All very interesting stuff… 

For you see, LGBTQIAT-S peoples have already been integrated in society, and there are already set paths. I just wish to know what they are… 

This data, may be useful in politics, health organization and administration, community organizing and advocacy, and arts…. 

I think, this study really needs to happen… hmmm

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